unlocking unshakable confidence

How to Unlock Unshakable Confidence as a Coach: A Guide to Building a Successful Coaching Business

August 26, 202423 min read


How to Unlock Unshakable Confidence as a Coach: A Guide to Building a Successful Coaching Business

In the dynamic world of coaching, confidence is not just an asset—it's a necessity.

As a coach, your ability to inspire, lead, and effectively serve your clients hinges on your confidence. But how do you build unshakable confidence, especially when self-doubt and imposter syndrome rear their ugly heads?

In this blog, we’ll explore actionable strategies to cultivate confidence, enabling you to grow your coaching business and attract clients who are eager to work with you.

Understanding the Importance of Confidence in Coaching:

Confidence is the foundation of your credibility as a coach. It inspires trust in your skills and expertise, making clients feel secure in their decision to work with you. Whether you're navigating a technical glitch or introducing yourself to a potential client, confidence is the key ingredient that demonstrates your professionalism and competence.

Moreover, confident coaches are more likely to take bold actions that propel their business forward. They are the ones who jump into opportunities with enthusiasm, motivating their clients to do the same. Confidence allows you to navigate challenges, adapt strategies, and ultimately, deliver impactful results that keep your clients coming back for more.

Debunking the Myths About Confidence:

One common misconception is that confidence comes after you’ve achieved success. In reality, confidence is built through taking courageous actions, even in the face of uncertainty. It’s not about having all the answers, but about having firm trust in yourself to figure things out along the way. This self-trust is what empowers you to take risks, try new approaches, and continuously grow both personally and professionally.

Confidence-Building Strategies for Coaches:

1. Self-Awareness:

Start by knowing yourself—your values, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding these elements allows you to operate from a place of authenticity and integrity, which naturally boosts your confidence. For example, if you value freedom and integrity, align your coaching practice with these principles, and watch your confidence soar.

2. Positive Self-Talk:

How you speak to yourself matters. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations and constructive feedback. This shift in mindset can significantly improve your overall well-being and help you maintain a positive outlook, even when facing challenges.

3. Goal Setting:

Confidence grows when you have clear, actionable goals. Set realistic targets across various aspects of your life—business, health, personal development—and work towards them consistently. Each small win will reinforce your confidence, creating momentum for bigger achievements.

4. Skill Development:

Building new skills is a surefire way to enhance your confidence. Whether it’s mastering sales techniques, improving your public speaking, or learning new marketing strategies, continuous learning keeps you sharp and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

5. Embrace Challenges:

Challenges are opportunities in disguise. Instead of shying away from difficulties, view them as stepping stones to your next level of success. This mindset not only builds resilience but also strengthens your confidence as you overcome each obstacle.

The Impact of Confidence on Client Attraction:

Confident coaches attract clients who are looking for strong, capable leaders. When you exude self-assurance, potential clients are more likely to trust you with their transformation journey. This trust is the foundation of a successful coaching relationship, leading to better client outcomes and a thriving coaching business.


Building unshakable confidence is a journey, not a destination. It requires self-awareness, continuous learning, and a mindset that embraces challenges. As you cultivate your confidence, you’ll not only enhance your coaching practice but also attract clients who are eager to work with you. Remember, confidence is contagious—when you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too.

If you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level, consider joining The Experts Network. DM me the word "Expert" on Instagram @theamandakaufman to learn more about how we can support your growth and help you build the confidence needed to succeed in this competitive industry.

confidence is the first ingredient to demonstrating credibility

confidence is firm trust in yourself

You don't get proof and then confidence

know thyself.

speak positively

our life is our perception of it

confidence helps you grow quickly

Full Transcript of the episode:

 Hello, everybody. Welcome to the coaches Plaza We're going to be talking all about how to be more confident when you build your coaching business. I can't wait to dig deep. Unlocking unshakable confidence. Yay We got the tech to work So we're going to talk about your coaching career. Okay. And we're going to just take our little bag, shame, sadness, procrastinating, all the things that we tend to do as coaches beating ourselves up for never, being good enough.

Oh, imposter syndrome. Put that in the bag too. We're going to set it aside. Okay, so today we're going to talk about how you activate your confidence, even if you feel uncertain. learn from a girl who's willing to show up on camera half naked.

I'm here to serve. Okay. Confidence is so essential for attracting clients For really serving them at the highest level, like knowing that you are bringing a level of Eunice and your process and all of that to the sessions. when I get paid for coaching, I want my clients to walk away feeling they have gotten at least 10 times the dollars they paid.

Shout out 10x in the chat if you are similarly committed to making sure your impact, they would have paid you more because it's going to be impactful. the secret ingredient is confidence.

Let's unpack it. importance of confidence in coaching credibility. you have a bit of capacity right now. Capacity. what does that mean?

That means our doors are open for sale. Confidence inspires trust in your skills and expertise, making clients feel secure in even if tech breaks, even if they've not met you before, confidence is the first ingredient to demonstrating credibility. hello friends. I'm glad you're here. Second confident coaches are more inspiring to their clients and it helps coaches take bold action in their business.

How does confidence actually help with motivation? Have you ever had that friend that you would follow to the ends of the earth, they're the ones that are going to jump off the end of the dock fully clothed or maybe fully not you just, tend to want to be friends with those people because they're the skydivers, they're the risk takers, but they always have a big old smile on their face.

And so that motivation is really important. Coaches, we're helping people do things they never did before. what kind of specialty do you have as a coach? What is it that you do for other people?

For me, I help coaches Get profitable by having the right processes, marketing, sales, So that's what I do? What do you do for people? Let me know. this is your chance to brag. Confidence empowers you to navigate challenges and adapt strategies. one of the biggest myths about confidence is that you need to have confidence in yourself.

After you've already did the thing that required the courage and the confidence in the first place, People think confidence is earned. I see this a lot on social media stack all your proof.

And I want to really refine that for you. Yes, I want you to stack wins. I want you to prove to yourself that you're going to do the thing. confidence is not the same as certainty, Confidence and certainty are different You can proceed without proof and have Firm trust in yourself. Firm trust in yourself means that when you say you're going to do something, you're going to do it.

that firm trust in yourself allows you to activate courage the big secret behind confidence is courage. It's the courage to have firm trust in yourself. sometimes that requires A big leap of faith. Sometimes we don't have proof. I'm doing this training for the coaches in the coaches plaza because so many of you've coached in your safety zone. You've coached friends, you've coached coaches that went through your program with you, but pushing that boundary and moving into that scary zone, that sweaty zone is your next level.

That's your next level of impact is to allow yourself to meet real strangers, build a relationship with those strangers by doing the unthinkable, actually talking to them, building up rapport, inviting the right people to fit with you so that you can coach them. if you're curious about the MTFC system shout out guide and we will send you a copy of our networking guide for coaches, consultants and high ticket course creators. it breaks down the whole meet people, talk to people, fit with people, coach the people thing today we're talking about confidence. your effectiveness. requires firm trust in yourself. confidence is firm trust in yourself. sometimes that means tapping into faith, belief or just that risk taker inside of you that is going to make the moves so you can stack the proof, You don't get proof and then have confidence. You build confidence to get the proof. Finally, it's an influence thing, Have you ever met somebody who is intoxicatingly cool?

You read their stories on Instagram or Facebook. You love it when they come across your social media feed, you see them at a live event and freak out because you're like, Oh my God, we're here together. Have you noticed they're all super confident Let me know in the chat if I'm the only one that's ever seen this, right? Confident coaches command attention, and influence the perspectives that their clients have in a Positive and ethical way. And it allows you to actually make an impact. Confidence is magnetic.

That's such a great way of putting it. I love that Tanya. That's so awesome. So I'm not the only one. Good, Aaron. Good. Confidence allows you to create this connection with other people that they invite in, that they want to have. Now I'm going to, illustrate this for you as the opposite.

Have you ever had someone, Try to convince you by whining Complaining or bullying to influence that can work, my kids, right? That can work, to get what you want.

is that a desirable interaction you want it's, intoxicating how confident they are and they don't have to bully you to get it done.

It's attractive, right? If energy is your vibe there's this air of safety around someone confident I want to be friends. I want to hang out with you. I want that vibe Inspiring versus nagging. Very good, Rebecca. great example of contrast. one of the things that was probably the hardest for me to master when I was a brand new coach was this relationship that I had in my head. of confidence versus certainty. confidence is self belief. firm trust that you have in yourself. that has nothing to do with an outcome, certainty, this need to know the ending of the movie before you ever go into the theater, this need to be certain about the next move or what's happening in the future can leave no room for doubt.

Whereas when you have trust in yourself and your support system, It's the game changer. when I think about Amanda, I was scared to charge a session to my best friend for coaching Amanda sells packages at 40, 000 for private coaching for the year.

I can sell through the DM and through chat. And like talking on social media every day, this version of Amanda, right? I cultivated trust in myself. How do we actually do that? That's a good question.

What do you think your values are? Do you know? Let me know in the chat if you've ever done a values assessment Dr. Demartini talks about how voids create values. Have you heard that? Voids create values. Here's what I know about myself. I love seeing people experience their version of freedom.

I know I value freedom. for sure. I trust that I am going to act in integrity or remain in alignment with freedom. hard work will pay off, with the ideas that family is so super important, with the idea that honoring your commitments you've done a bunch of them. keep it up your values can reinforce over time. I love talking about conscious values that we choose, that we have intention around, that we're cultivating, we're developing character around versus the fear based values.

values that came about because we had a bad experience and learned, Oh, I better watch myself or else bad things can happen again, so those trauma based values. they're neither good nor bad, but when it comes to your self awareness and choice about what your behavior is going to be is so super useful to know thyself, right?

How can you have a firm trust in someone you have no idea who they are, right? Self talk that's real talk Do you know how many people are walking around and they're telling everybody else what to think, what to do, and they have no idea who they are? Know thyself. let's talk about confidence boosting strategies The first one is self awareness. So again, know thyself. in addition to your values, what about strengths? What about your weaknesses? If you have firm trust in your strengths, you're going to run through walls compared to at all, or worse, you could be a person who is living from your weaknesses.

In our high performance coaching program with the Experts Network, we had a powerful conversation about living from your strengths and identifying if there's gaps in your skillset, in your character, in things that you need to develop to embrace that.

To live from your weaknesses means that you are going to continue to beat yourself up over not being good enough. Has anybody ever had a little bit of a pity party, right? When it comes to dang, I've got this weakness.

For me, one has been pizza. I go crazy for pizza. It's been a weakness of mine among other foods. I could live from this place of I'm a crappy person because I carry around a few extra pounds. I have done that.

But if I'm living from that place, That's not doing anything for my confidence, Now, can I work on being healthier? I've committed to a version of 75 hard, more like forever hard sweating every day. For 45 minutes so I can acknowledge there's growth here, right?

There's something to gain by Improving I'm not living from it as a weakness Are we getting the distinction if you've got the distinction if you've got a question make sure you ask That too because it's important. I used to define myself by my weaknesses

And not only was that a bummer to hang out with, it was a bummer to experience. I couldn't walk past a mirror without all this judgment negativity not worth it, man. Not worth it. If you have an alternative, do it. Talk to yourself more nicely. when you want to say something crappy. To yourself, in your mind, out loud, or in your journal, give yourself loving kindness. Some people talk about speaking to your inner child. if that works for you, great.

If you're a little bit more of the pragmatic sort and you're like, inner child, pooey, right? fine, When you speak to yourself in a positive manner, You will likely have higher subjective well being. You will likely be happier and more fulfilled.

Very often, our life isn't what our life is so much as what we perceive it to be. Our life isn't necessarily the sum total of everything we think it is. It's what we perceive it you've probably noticed when you're in a negative mindset. You tend to see more threat.

You tend to see more to be upset about, but when you're in a positive mindset you notice that you're more courageous. You notice that there's more opportunity. You actually feel lucky, right? So how can you activate that? Talk to yourself nicely, have high self regard. When, you're ever worried about, Oh, I don't want to be a narcissist, I know what it's like to have the genuine concern that you might be a jerk if you say something nice about yourself.

there's a big, range between having a healthy self regard and narcissistic personality disorder where you have zero empathy for others. You can have positive self regard and you can have empathy for other people.

These two things can happen at the same time. It does not make you a jerk. Practice mindfulness exercises to stay present and grounded. Meditation took me a few years to get to and now I do it every day.

And it is such a powerful tool for confidence because it lets you let go of what happened earlier in the day. It lets you get centered again before you go. It is such a powerful tool for reducing anxiety and boosting your self regard. Goal setting. One reason that we do not have the level of confidence that we might is because we basically are aimless.

It's like a ship without a rudder. Have you ever been listless? Have you ever felt oh, might as well watch another thing on Netflix, there's nothing good on,

And I'm like, are you serious? you have gone through all the good shows on Netflix. And now your next goal is to watch something else. I'm like, no. I lived in a small town where we had one video rental place we would go through all the new releases then it would be like, what do we do?

But I was in a different state of mind at the time. And I think that's why I have such a reaction to that now, because I'm like, do you realize how much of your life is going to a Netflix subscription? So I think it's really important to have real goals they don't have to all be work goals. They don't have to all be business goals. You could take a hobby, goals, goals, you could have fitness goals. You should have all of these goals like when you have these goals Activate the plan

You feel activated in life, have goals in multiple areas because sometimes it doesn't work out. it's basically the concept of diversification, but within personal development, let's just say that things are shitty at work, but you've got a fitness goal.

you get to go to the gym and keep making progress on that. Or conversely, maybe you've got a health issue building your business. is a thing that you can do that's in your capacity and that you can make some progress in. It feels so good. Your confidence will thank you, Do not let current circumstances dictate your goals Finally, skill development. having goals usually reveals, I don't have a skill in that. people think, I've gotta have the skill to be confident. it's the other way around. when we build skills, we gain confidence.

Doesn't that just make sense? If you are like I suck at sales and do nothing to learn that's confidence undermining. But if you say, I have a goal to sell and I want to do it in a great way. I just don't know how.

You can start taking courses. you can read books, you can start listening to the podcast. You can find the influencers who are good at this, that have methods that you align to. You can go full nerd. And when you do that, Nerds can be so confident.

And it's just because we know we've built this capability. I'm a self avowed nerd. You should know. So why is this so important to coaches? it's all about attracting clients. And confidence attracts clients that are seeking a strong and capable coach.

If you had the choice, would you want to have a coach who's got self regard and is going to have a high regard for you and they're going to feel secure in themselves so you can actually be secure with them? Or would you like a really needy coach? A coach who is not so sure, not really totally confident, not, goodness, let me know what you prefer in the chat.

I like to charge more. if you want to, there are coaching companies you could work for, you can make 25 an hour, But when you're a confident coach, you can command your own rates. have your own business and do things your way.

if you're getting hired you can command that salary because you're self assured, you don't settle for less. Who here wants some amazing friendships, like just incredible friendships? When I made a point of working on my confidence, presence with people self-talk, skillset, goal setting, self regard, my friendships improved.

my social circle elevated. Because I made this a priority. Who's making this a priority? Let me know in the chat. So why is confidence so important? Your life is going to bring you setbacks, one of my coaches Brendan Burchard, says change comes from within and outside.

You could defer on the change from within if you like but Good luck stopping the entire world. Doesn't that make sense? So having a sense of confidence, like I'm looking at this gal on the mountains with her cute pink hat and I'm like, I would rather be higher up in my confidence level

Maybe I have a lapse of confidence. it shakes my trust but if you have higher confidence you're going to get shook down here. if you've got low confidence, it's going to rock your world. I want you to get your confidence tank way up here in seasons when you don't need it because you will need it if you're way down here, like a lot of people Every setback sets you off,

What I've noticed is people with higher levels of confidence tend to be more resilient when things happen and they're more emotionally steady. confidence and firm trust in yourself allows you to start small and grow quickly. this growth mindset lets you see challenges as opportunities for growth and it allows you to continuously improve and develop.

But confidence actually fuels it. You don't get confidence after you grow, right? You need confidence to pursue growth.

I didn't know this for the longest time. I made a lot of money as a coach working with clients, getting results before I really activated this aspect of it. coaching is a leadership sport. You are a leader. leaders are not bossing people around, but modeling. behavior. as a coach, you're facilitating a decision making process where, your client is going to lead themselves. They're empowered, but you're the one providing the container.

You're setting up, where people meet, when, how long, you're the one that's going to keep a pulse on whether the process is going well or not. Let me know in the chat. You're the leader. I want you to feel this sense of fulfillment.

I want you to feel the joy. do you know how fun it is to join you every Tuesday and teach something new? I hope you're having fun to have the freedom to pursue your dreams and goals,

I'm confident. I'm going to be here next Tuesday, if it's right for you to work with us send me or Rebecca a message And let us know what you're working on.

When you're building your business, sometimes the cash register is going to ring like crazy. I had a hundred thousand dollar weekend once. that was like, Oh, that is very exciting. But there's going to be a lot of times where it's medium paced or slower than you planned

Even though you put in a bunch of work, welcome to entrepreneurship There's going to be these ups and downs, even if you have great systems, an awesome attitude, because you're not controlling every single thing, right? Market preferences change, technologies shift, algorithms change.

these things can affect outcomes and results. So when you can proceed with fulfillment, my friends, when you can be absolutely joyful in your pursuit of having more impact let's talk about your confidence building plan.

start with identifying your strengths. share with me one of your incredible strengths maybe two or three, set realistic goals. for example, I read 10 pages every day.

I post on social media at least three times a day. Often 15 to 20 times depending on the platforms Practice positive self talk. have high self regard.

It makes you Aware of your thoughts and focus on your achievements. seek feedback, look for growth opportunities, see what skills are necessary next, Your success is in your sequence. if you're looking for that next level of success as a coach, you're probably already very successful with coaching people,

Like most people in the coach's Plaza, They're not thinking about being a coach. They are a coach, but that next level for you, is to have that coachy conversation from stranger to client without it falling apart shout out next level in the chat.

If you see how important this is to your confidence, celebrating your success, You made it here to this coaching session and you're staying on task with your goals. I love starting my coaching sessions with a five second win. what is an action you took a decision you made a result you achieved?

What is something that's happening in your life? embrace the challenges. So I know many of you, we've talked about it. Maybe the challenge is I've got to tame my monkey mind. I have ADHD. So I've got to find systems that are going to the this creative brain actually creates.

Or maybe your challenge is I've got to find balance with being a great parent or a great spouse doing this as well. Or maybe you've got multiple businesses you're trying to figure out how to love on all of them. Or maybe you're like, there's so many challenges on the road to entrepreneurship.

I love it because it's the best arena for growth development. if you love this, You will love the experts network. the experts network is Helping coaches now and going forward. And basically it is this exclusive and amazing community full of coaches who are working every day on building their coaching business to that next level.

So we talk about confidence. your mindset physiology psychology and all of those We also show you the brass tacks. what to post on social media. We show you exactly what you need to do to get list converting and getting people to respond.

It's a cool program. say the word expert. If you'd like. to talk to us a little bit about how you could join the experts network. We have a couple of tiers of access. if concerned about the financial impact of making a decision to enroll in a program like this, I would love to tell you that we work with people at lots of different financial levels.

So say the word expert and we can figure out a great next move for you? Thank you so much for joining Courageous Coach Club. We will get you this recording as soon as possible. Thank you and keep working on that confidence.

You've got this.

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Amanda Kaufman

Amanda is the founder of The Coach's Plaza, has generated over $2 million in revenue, primarily through co-created action coaching and courses. Her journey exemplifies the power of perseverance and authentic connection in the coaching and consulting world. With over 17 years of business consulting experience, Amanda Kaufman shifted her focus to transformative client relationships, overcoming personal challenges like social anxiety and body image issues. She rapidly built a successful entrepreneurial coaching company from a list of just eight names, quitting her corporate job in four months and retiring her husband within nine months.

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